Old School Gamer

Old School Gamer is a non-profit website that originally started out life in January 2008, as a Windows Live Spaces blog titled “Confessions of an Old School Gamer.”

As its popularity increased the decision was made to move to a fixed domain, with the WordPress blogging platform at its core.

Version 1.0

Version 1.0

The transition was handled solely by Fallen Angel Designs, and involved re-branding and redesigning the site.

Requirements for the project were simple, Old School Gamer had to be easy to navigate and maintain. With these goals in mind, the redesign scrapped the existing look and feel of Old School Gamer, improving it to make it look much more professional. We were also able to simplify the navigation process for both the end user and site admin.

Version 2.0

Version 2.0

The redesign also allowed for the integration of AdSense, a contextual advertising solution to help recover server costs. Other technologies incorporated into OSG’s new design include FeedBurner (for RSS feeds, and email updates), as well as Google Analytics.

With literally hundreds of pages of existing content to manually transfer, and even more to design, this project took less than 2 weeks to complete.

Filed under Web Design